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How to Make Perfect Focaccia Pugliese

Delicious, easy and tasty.

Focaccia Pugliese. Focaccia is one of the most popular breads in Italy and much like many Italian dishes, it has different versions all over the country. In Bari, which is a port city in the Puglia region, the most popular focaccia comes with lovely fresh cherry tomatoes and a sprinkling of oregano. Focaccia Barese is an exquisite bakery product typical of the city of Bari and in general of the Apulia region.

Focaccia Pugliese Focaccia pugliese illustrates Puglia's simple, flavorful food made with quality, seasonal ingredients. With just two short rises and a quick baking time, this is a bread you can make early in the day and have ready in time for a mid-day or afternoon snack, or to slice into small squares to accompany an evening aperitivo. Focaccia Pugliese is a tasty appetizer or snack. You can have Focaccia Pugliese using 8 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Focaccia Pugliese

  1. It's 250 gr of farina 00.
  2. You need 250 gr of farina 0.
  3. You need 250 ml of acqua.
  4. Prepare 12 gr of lievito di birra fresco.
  5. It's 1 cucchiaio of olio extra vergine di oliva.
  6. Prepare 10/12 of pomodorini datterini.
  7. You need q.b of origano fresco.
  8. It's 10 gr of sale.

The secret to Focaccia Pugliese's dough is boiled potatoes. It gives the bread a soft, springy texture plus an amazing aroma as it's baking. The bread dough is not difficult to work with, it stretches easily to fit our round pan. Focaccia Barese Focaccia From Bari One of my favorite things about Italian cuisine is that is so regional.

Focaccia Pugliese step by step

  1. Unire in una planetaria i due tipi di farina 00 e 0, e il lievito iniziando a mescolare.
  2. Aggiungere l'acqua, l'olio e il sale e continuare a mescolare.
  3. Quando si sarà formato un composto unito togliere dalla planetaria.
  4. Disporre sul piano e continuare a impastare per circa 10 minuti.
  5. A quel punto formato il panetto, e lasciatelo lievitare per circa 4 ore o al raddoppio.
  6. Dopo la lievitazione, prendete una teglia e adagiate l'impasto, cospargendo alla base della teglia, dell'olio evo.
  7. Schiacciate con le dita l'impasto, formando dei buchi, mettete i pomodori che precedentemente avevate tagliato a metà, cospargete di origano e qualche pizzico di sale.
  8. Infornate a 200° forno ventilato per 15/20 minuti.

When traveling from one region to the next across the country, you'll find that the cuisine changes dramatically, depending on the region's location, climate, and the people within. This is based on Bonci's recipe for Focaccia Pugliese, a beloved bread from Italy's southern heel - thick, spongy and hearty. It's delicious eaten while still warm - one of the benefits of making it at home - and it's best eaten the day it's made. This focaccia Pugliese is a warm, satisfying way to bake at home. Moosewood Collective member David Hirsch's partner John Campione, grew up with his family's version of this nicely textured flat bread, moist yet crusty.